The Codex
© - Please if announcing this discovery to others, credit this website for this great contribution to science, as well as the ancient egyptians and to whoever discovered this before and gave these clues to mankind
It is my belief that the bible, as well as other ancient texts
hid clues to immortality in their writings and that by proper study, these can
be deciphered. The origin and process of a solar flare precisely matches that of
Jesus' death and "resurrection" which is really just an experiencing of the life
This also relates to The Ancient Platonic Correspondences Tetrahedron
was fire (SOLAR FLARE). The cube was the earth (GEOMAGNETIC INCREASE 4 DAYS
8 AFTER A FLARE). And the Isosahedron was water (THERE IS MUCH MORE MOISTURE IN
THE AIR DAYS 4 THROUGH 8 AFTER FLARE). And because selenium becomes "active"
when exposed to Ultraviolet light, we do not want to take this days 1 through 4
after flare, as this chart
shows that jesus was not in the sunshine on these days, so we do not want this
metal to "activate" on these days.
General cycle: 8 days Complete Total
cycle 16 days
Days 6, 5, and 4 before flare - Kidneys and liver are
stimulated. Olive Oil Intake
Days 3, 2 and 1 before flare - Chest and head
are stimulated.
Day of Flare and 3 days after flare - Entire body is
Days 4 through 8 after flare - Intestinal and center of body is
TIMELINE: Using the Biblical Jesus Timeline as an example with
the Age Regeneration Schedule:
If you haven't already
seen this chart the Death of
Jesus represents the Solar Flare and the resurrection days 4 through
Unleavened Bread as well as all general foods consumed at the last supper were detoxifying herbs and foods. Examples are Unleavened bread, wine, bitter herbs.
Phytate is the main ingredient in unleavened bread. Which is a
key anti-aging
is essentially the phytic acid in brown rice and other grains, legumes, and most
seeds in general. As mentioned earlier, ingesting foods with it appears to
provoke a somewhat cleansing therapy, as it is known to bind with calcium, iron,
and perhaps other mineral excesses-presumably in the soft tissues of the body
first. Some claim that it binds with proteins and other large molecules, making
them into insoluble compounds that are not readily absorbed or utilized by the
Phytic acid is a naturally forming component found in plant
fiber. It is known by several other names, including phytate, inositol
hexaphosphate, and IP-6. While relatively little human research with phytic acid
has been conducted, it is believed to possess some of the properties of
well-known antioxidants, in addition to other as-yet-unknown benefits.
Liver herbs and foods tend to be more bitter and sour.
The bitter herbs, like dandelion root, Oregon grape root, barberry root, golden
seal root, and burdock root, help break down fats. Essential fatty acids from
raw nuts, seeds and oils, such as flax seed, hemp seed, borage seed , evening
primrose , and fish produce anti-inflammatory prostaglandins. Cooked,
altered and hydrogenated fats produce inflammatory prostaglandin’s.
Bitter herbs also clean out the toxins in the liver as well as cleanse the
blood, which provides healthy lymphatic drainage. Herbs that aid in the
cleansing process are red clover, cleavers, and Echinacea.
Recent studies point out that the use of Phytase NSP Blend
could have a significant effect on the absorption of divalent cations such as
calcium, magnesium and iron. (Phytic acid forms insoluble complexes with
cations). By virtue of its chemical nature the negatively charged phytie acid
readily hinds to positively charged molecules such as cations and also proteins.
Phytic acid is often classified as an "anti-nutritional factor." Plant phytates
(phytic acid) is found in many plants such as corn, corn by-products, legumes,
soybeans and cereal grains
Phytic acid may be considered a phytonutrient, providing an
antioxidant effect. Phytic acid is one of few chelating therapies used for
uranium removal.
Phytic acid attaches to toxins and removes
Phytic acid (or phytate when in salt form) is an substance found in many foods, but especially soybeans and soy products, oatmeal, corn, peanuts, kidney beans, whole wheat and rye. In the human gut, it acts as an chelater and an anti-nutrient. It reduces the absorption of valuable vitamins and minerals such as niacin, calcium, iron, magnesium, and zinc.
Relatively high concentrations of phytates occur in the
following foods. Soaking, fermenting or sprouting beans and grains will
neutralize much of the phytic acid, except in soybeans, which must be cooked for
more than 10 hours at very high temperatures to remove the anti-nutrients.
Cooking helps reduce it in the vegetables:
Most whole grain cereal foods
(wheat, rye, rice, oats)
Nuts and seeds (pumpkin, sunflower)
other types of
IP6 is inositol hexaphosphate (also called phytic acid), which
is found in every cell of the human body
IP6 rice bran extract has been shown
to be a powerful body detoxifier and cleansing
Bitter Herbs were also consumed at the last
Liver herbs and foods tend to be more bitter and sour. The
bitter herbs, like dandelion root, Oregon grape root, barberry root, golden seal
root, and burdock root, help break down fats. Essential fatty acids from raw
nuts, seeds and oils, such as flax seed, hemp seed, borage seed , evening
primrose , and fish produce anti-inflammatory prostaglandins. Cooked, altered
and hydrogenated fats produce inflammatory prostaglandin’s. Bitter herbs also
clean out the toxins in the liver as well as cleanse the blood, which provides
healthy lymphatic drainage. Herbs that aid in the cleansing process are red
clover, cleavers, and
The Sun sets the pace for all life on earth, including the
earth itself. As we learn more about the earth, we will discover cycles
occurring in multiples of 3. This cycle of 3 has been hidden in ancient and
religious texts, underlying the key to immortality. The "fountains of youth"
throughout history are really just springs that detoxify the body. The Movie
"Cocoon" where the elderly receive more life from the swimming pool is based on
a higher alkaline content of water (magnetized water) and absorbing Life
Extending Foods and Minerals
at the right time. When you know the proper
cycle, this is easy.
"The wrecker of healthy cells and harbinger of disease, states
Beckett, is acid in the form of carbon dioxide carried in the blood circulating
through our bodies. If body cells could be buffered (insulated) against the
corrosive effect of acid then the possibility of extending the human life span
was within scientific
"When we measure from the time of Yeshua's burial at beginning
of the 5th day (W-dnesday night); to the time He was raised just after the 7th
day Sabbath, we get a precisely 72 hour, 3 night and 3 day period as required by
this text
Passover means that the
flare has "passed" and that stabilization of earth's geomagnetic energy is
occurring again. A solar flare disrupts earths geomagnetic field, which is the
key to life. As you can see from the chart below, a flare disrupts earth's
geomagnetic field, than a few days later it calms back down again. Earthquakes
are also more prone during this high geomagnetic period, when earth is
"detoxifying" herself.
During a solar flare phase, these periods become "compressed". This means that in 24 hours Day 2: Increased Acid in the body in the morning, followed by a more alkaline presence before bed and Day 3: Life Extending foods are combined in the same day. This is because during a flare the geomagnetic activity of the earth is very disturbed, so the body needs to adjust as necessary. We know that Resveratrol is one of the keys to anti aging, and also that it is found primarily in red wine and the bark of the pine tree. Jesus was nailed to a wooden cross. Reference to wood indicating Resveratrol and red wine at the last supper indicating Resveratrol.
If you follow this
feet and head were anointed" and "came to anoint body in oil"
Oils are rich
in vitamins A, D and K. These vitamins are
Calcium Synergists & Magnesium Antagonists.
And by creating Uric Acid in our bodies
to "flush out" the toxins, the chart clearly shows this as "cleansing" or
"death" or "found an empty tomb".
This article puts a lot of the process together.
The Procedure:
We create uric acid in the body, when this reaches its peak,
Histamine is released. When this release starts, the cells are then
flushed clean and than infused with supplements related to long life and cell
Histamine is released. from the cells when the blood's
PH level is acid
Vinegar is one of many foods created by bacteria and yeasts
"Vinegar can be made from any fruit, many grains, and even wood chips" (Jesus
was nailed to a wood cross) This represents the Acetic Acid Process occuring.
carrying cross before cruxification. (Physical activity increases plasma
Jesus layed in his tomb for 3 days. (no plasma increase)
Jesus was nailed to a cross which is made of wood. Cellulose is
a component of wood. Acetic Acid comes from Vinegar.
Homemade, or good
quality vinegar, will have a thick, filmy substance floating in it. This is
called the mother, which consists of cellulose as a result of interaction
between the bacteria and the alcohol.
Cellulose nanocrystals make plastic 3,000 times stronger
Cellulose is a long chain of linked sugar molecules that gives
wood its remarkable strength. Cellulose is a major component of wood. Cellulose
fibers in wood are bound in lignin, a complex polymer. Cellulose is found in
large amounts in nearly all plants, and is potentially a major food source.
Unfortunately, human beings lack the enzymes necessary to cleave the linkages
between the sugars in cellulose. In fact, crystallite cellulose is added to some
foods to reduce the caloric value.
Many people are now convinced—Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV), that
wonderful “old-timers” home remedy, cures more ailments than any other folk
remedy and has been highly regarded throughout history. In 400 B.C. the great
Hippocrates, Father of Medicine, used it for its amazing health qualities.
Hemiglobin is created by the following:
iron + acetic acid + amino acid glycine. Glycine removes toxic substances from
the body.
and Acetic Acid is the main component of Resveratrol which
comes from grapes. (Jesus metions to drink wine at the last supper, representing
his blood).
( DO NOT ATKE CHROMINUM AT THIS TIME) Just as the solar wind
before a flare builds up, the increase in Hemiglobin is started and CONTINUES
FLARE: Hemiglobin is created by the following: iron + acetic
acid + amino acid glycine. Glycine removes toxic substances from the body.
and Acetic Acid is the main component of Resveratrol which comes from
grapes. (Jesus metions to drink wine at the last supper, representing his
"Acetic acid is formed only by the Acetobacter family of
bacteria. These bacteria are found everywhere in food, water, and soil and is
naturally produced as fruits spoil. In humans and other primates, acetic acid is
a component of the female vagina, where it serves as an antibacterial."
The body's 3 day cycle represents a cleansing of the body. This creates a healthy rise/drop in the body's PH level.
Spinach A few leaves each day, Take Asafoetida powder and Fish oil mixed together can help the mind focus more during this exercise. Take it every 24 to 48 hours.
If you look at this chart (, you'll see that days 3 and 6 before flare, oil is anointed. This anointment of the oil is another representation of the north facing direction and the power of the cleansing away of toxins from the blood from north facing magnets. So, north for cleansing and south for more of an acidity build up ( So these clues are telling us that we should increase our PH level to a more acid level 6 and 4 days before flare, than increase it to a more alkaline level 3 days before flare. If you look at this Than the chart goes on to say that "they came to anoint Jesus' entire body with oil and was gone". This is 3 days after the`flare. This means a restored, balanced PH level of the body. If you notice this same process occurs every 3 to 4 days. This article states "works by acidifying the blood, which acts as a lever to alkalize the body's cells and tissue. And if you understand that tombs back in those days were made of limestone, (, limestone is a highly alkaline material. So for the next 3 days after flare, we want to keep our body at a slightly higher than average alkaline ph level. This always results in alkalization of the body's tissue and cells to 7.4pH at 5 weeks. There are 3 days where the body will go through a "healing crisis" where the cancer patient will experience depression, irritability, aggressiveness, feeling unwell, and even a stench of acidity leaving their body" ( This means that the body's PH level takes on average 3 days to readjust / stabilize to go from a higher to lower ph. It's very interesting to note that cancer treatments parallel the age rejuvenation technique. And if you study cancer you will see that it is almost impossible to cure, because it is always constantly evolving. And the age regeneration technique is all about evolving, to shed, and acquire new skin, cells and youthfulness via the technique. Resveratrol is the nutraceutical that shows the most scientific promise of extending life. Resveratrol contains a powerful anti-aging combination of resveratrol and grape seed extract.
The "2nd" chain reaction
Because Selenium reacts to
sunlight/ultraviolet light
it starts a chain reaction ( This
chain reaction creates the acid necessary to "flush out" the bad toxins from the
body. And if it is taken 3 days before the flare, which is a day that you get
more sunshine, which if you look for the clues is the same day that Jesus was in
the sunshine (
This chart also shows that on the day that Jesus was anointed on his head, on
this day, when facing south and concentrating consciousness from chest to head,
this day is the easiest day for this energy to flow. According to this article
"In this polarity (north) the blood is oxygenated and its
process of distributing nutrients and pulling wastes and toxins from injured
tissue is made most efficient" (at,
this means that the chain reaction that is occurring is cleansing the body of
Jesus Turned water into wine (an acid), and said "drink of this for it represents my blood" "the body knows it must place an alkaline molecule in the blood to escort out this increasing acid that is being stored in the tissues and is draw CALCIUM (the most alkaline mineral known) from the bones and put it into the blood. With rising alkalinity, blood can increase its oxygen uptake; therefore the blood cells can hold more oxygen." So here we see that the last supper gives us more clues. So we increase our alkaline intake, than the last 24 hours before flare, increase the body's acid ph level, than on the flare day, increase the oxygen levels in the blood to flush out remaining toxins. Resveratrol is the nutraceutical that shows the most scientific promise of extending life. Resveratrol contains a powerful anti-aging combination of resveratrol and grape seed extract.
The process works like this. We build up the acidity in the body, peaking right before solar flare (or UVB light increase). This acid build up burns out all the bad toxins. Than on flare day we start the cleansing chemical reaction by increasing the oxygen level in the bloodstream. Than on day 4 after flare, we return the body to an alkaline state and pump the body full of antioxidants such as green tea and grapefruit. If you look at this chart (, you will see that green tea and grapefruit, which are some of the best foods for long life, are highly alkaline. This will than bring out the energies of youth and vitality.
More ferromagnetic foods. Chromium and their counterparts,
polynicotinate, picolinate, polyphenols, quercetin
Chromium is
This is
because as the flare peaks, the geomagnetic energy of the earth will interact
with the ferromagnetic energy in our bodies helping to restore our energy and
vitality levels.
Synergestic Combinations:
Chromium is synergestic with:
Magnesium, , zinc, boron, CoQ10, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, [calcium, Vit D],
insoluble fiber,
Strontium has the Prototypical structure of (fluorite).
Strontium, two places below magnesium in the periodic table is more reactive
with oxygen than magnesium. It is this reaction with oxygen in the bloodstream
that creates the beneficial bacteria for the regenerative age
45 mins north and 30 mins south for your rotations.
At the flare peak and 8
days after the energy naturally gathers towards your body's center. The number 8
also represents the Doctor's Office Serpent you see on doctor's doors.
Extend the amount of time you hold the energy in and let that flow fill your
body's balance.
Also drink water at the end of the day that has been set in
the sun.
The Flare is death of christ meaning in the bible, death of old
body as you "shed" the old body, which you feel 24 to 72 hrs after flare. You
will feel this as a "shell" being discarded from your body and it is a good
The next 4 days are recommended Fasting / Cleansing Days during this
Use Earth Essence Montmorillonite Clay to help remove toxins from
your body.
Eat more foods higher in Iron for these next 3
Helping the mind focus, besides the life rods, here are other helpers:
Asafoetida and Fish oil mixed together can help the mind focus
more during this exercise. Take it every 24 to 48 hours or when the 1MHZ pulse
is more disturbed
help increase the amount of oxygen in your bloodstream be as relaxed as possible
and use this breathing technique or similar to
help: Remember that
excessive oxygen creates more free radicals, and therefore more cell damage. In
one dramatic example, researchers showed that lab rats lived for two to three
years in a normal environment, but only survived for three days when raised in a
pure oxygen environment.
Feeling like the effect is not working?
If there are less overall cosmic rays here than the effects will be felt much
In numbers of bacteria inhabiting the oceans, according to new
research linking ocean productivity to levels of cosmic
rays. So there is a combination between
the two values. If a flare has occurred say at 2 a.m. in the morning, than count
96 hours from that date and use the following predictors to locate the exact
time these energies will be highest. Thank you to NASA and the other agencies
for making these instruments available. Another reason is because the overall by
factor at this link seen as an upper
white line of light has become "shaken" and disturbed. Only when this line turns
steady, so does the white light absorption become easier. This white light is
really particles streaming from the westward direction of our sun. It is during
these disturbed times that you should use the rotating magnets to "prime" the
energy when holding it in your body. Do not over do it, but just to the level
until you feel the energy streaming into your body again.
Usually you can
find when the white light is going to be more disturbed in advance by checking
the 2mev values here: when the
2mev values increase, the white line will become more disturbed. When the values
increase at this link: the
energy from the rotating magnets will be felt stronger. Now, when this white
light becomes more even and thick again, use a thin slab of granite on your
chest area (with a small light shining on it in the center of your chest) when
facing south and holding the energy in to "stabilize" the energy, as it will be
strong and fast.
You want to have just the right amount of "spark" present
when holding the energy in. OVerdoing this "Spark" can cause havoc. Other
examples of overdoing it are:
POSITIONS (spending more time than necessary)
If you get a "left facing feeling dizziness effect " when standing
up after the exercise, than it is because you did not face exactly south during
the south facing exercise, so be more aligned with the south when you face south
and do it.
Instrumentation: These are only good for days 4 through 8 after the flare and than again up to flare. Days 1 to 4 after flare the energy is not as strong. On days 4 through 8, it is recommended that you use a slab of granite on your chest as shown here (/pathway.html), so it does not crush you, but just enough to be comfortable during the holding in exercise. The granite acts as a prefect capacitor as this energy streams into your body and you hold it in.
Solstice months have the least amount of flare activity. Equinox (3,4,9,10) and other months have the most (2,5,8,11,6,7,12,1.)
The first geomagnetic "storm" or increase after the flare is
the date for maximized age rejuvenation. This will be shown
here: (planetary AP Index)
Solar Flare Forecasts are at the base of this
you can learn to predict them
You can use instruments to feel these energies when doing the
north/south exercise
4 days after a peak of yellow lines in KP, you may also
find an increase in the white light
Sometimes a flare
will not show yellow bars in KP, this means that on day 4 the white light energy
may not be as strong.
Higher overall UV readings will increase the energy. Worldwide UV Forecast 3 days in advance: :
If you are using the hydrogen generator with the magnets (/pathway.html), when you spin/rotate the magnets 24 hours before a flare in front of this device and put your hands in front of the magnets, you will feel this energy very strongly.
If there are 2 flares side by side, than the one with the higher instrument readings will be more powerful.
1 MEV electrons - When these are higher, the amount of energy
energy felt from chest to feet will be stronger.
Ionospheric Frequencies: Frequencies below about 4 MHz will show less energy and Frequencies in excess of about 8 MHz will show more energy
A flat or quiet KP will help you focus
A more quiet pulse here will help you focus
The White Light Energy that you hold in your body's center when facing south. In order from most sensitive detection to least sensitive detection:
There will be more of a solid white line and it will appear as
a "chip" in the BY or white light
It will appear higher
at this link or show a "spike" and be above the halfway line.
Neutrons & overall cosmic rays will be rising
The Solar Wind at These Wind Speeds: 320 and at 430
Solar Wind
10.7 cm overall solar flux
2MEV Electrons will be between 10 to the 6 and 10 to the 7
Next 3
KP will show an
Boulder Geomag will also be at a mid to high
More Green Energy
A lot of yellow and
Locations and climate of high solar irradiance
June in Arizona
Puffy Cloud Cover
Mountain Valleys
Earth Grid/Ley Lines
Than in the evening we want to restore our PH level.
the uric acid has been built up, it is then flushed clean with Magnesium
Antagonists / Inhibitors such as:
Potassium, [Magnesium, Vit D]. These are
both Magnesium Antagonists / Inhibitors & Calcium Synergists. So they flush
out the uric acid, and increase the calcium content in the body, to create new
oxygen. This also helps create a slightly higher Alkaline PH level. "The body
knows it must place an alkaline molecule in the blood to escort out this
increasing acid that is being stored in the tissues and is draw CALCIUM (the
most alkaline mineral known) from the bones and put it into the blood. With
rising alkalinity, blood can increase its oxygen uptake; therefore the blood
cells can hold more oxygen."
Garlic + Apple Cider Vinegar & Honey to help flush out any remaining
uric acid from the body
Also increase levels of Tryptophan, Selenium
(especially 7 days before flare)
A clay bath can also restore good PH
Magnetized water increases the solubility of minerals and
therefore improves the transfer of nutrients to all parts of the body making the
organism work more efficiently"
are literally thousands of ways to magnetize water. A slightly alkaline PH level
is preferred
Enzymes like lactobacillus, plantarum, bifidis, Lactobacillus and
Bifidobacterium - The most significant are Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria.
Also water that has good levels of Iron, Florine, and Chromium in it.
(Magnetite which becomes magnetic under the right conditions is part of the iron
is also ferromagnetic.
All magnetically treated water has a slightly higher alkaline
content. "Alkaline neutralizes acid. Drinking alkaline water helps our body
dissolve acid wastes and make it easier for the body to dispose of them safely.
Dr. Ragnar Rylander made the important point that bicarbonate in water may
improve the RETENTION of magnesium and calcium, and is therefore
Life Extending Foods and Minerals
"Resveratrol is the nutraceutical that shows the most scientific promise of extending life. Resveratrol contains a powerful anti-aging combination of resveratrol and grape seed extract. Resveratrol is extracted from red wine skins and vine leaves. Resveratrol has been proven by Harvard University Medical School to extend the life-span of human cells, as well as to protect against some cancers and heart disease."
Mulberries, Itadori tea & Red grape juice & Peanut
butter contain the maximum number of Resveratrols.
Grape Seeds, Fish Oil,
Iron, Reishi Mushrooms, Green Tea, Grapefruit,
Peanut Oil, Ionized and Hard
Baking Soda, Milk of Magnesia
Maqui berries, Acai Berry,
Rosemary, Blueberry,
The amino acid carnosine is a natural AGE
inhibitor found in high concentrations in the brain, muscle tissue and the lens
of the human eye. It is also known to be an antioxidant capable of protecting
cell membranes and other cell structures.
Yet it has only been recently that the incredible
anti-ageing properties of this amino acid have come to light - helping to
protect your body from a range of age-related illnesses, from arthritis and
heart disease to diabetes and Alzheimer's. It has even been found to prevent
wrinkles by rejuvenating connective skin tissues! Other nutrients which can
enhance the health-giving benefits of carnosine further still, are co-enzyme
Q10, vitamin C and alpha Lipoic acid.
Rhodiola rosea, also known as the golden root, grows in cold
climates at high altitudes and has been used by Scandinavians and Russians for
centuries for its anti-stress qualities. On average, Rhodiola increased survival
for 3.5 days in males and 3.2 days in females of fruit flies
Drink magnesium bicarbonate and Calcium + in mineralized water
"What is known with certainty is that magnesium is essential for the optimal
functioning of metabolic processes in body cells, particularly those processes
providing chemical energy to body cells such as brain cells and muscle cells.
Neither the brain nor the muscles of the body can function without either
magnesium or bicarbonate. Indeed, the universal energy molecule in the body
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is coupled to magnesium and exists as magnesium-ATP
in most if not all, energy reactions in body cells (ATP hydrolysis reactions).It
is known also that as bicarbonate concentrations in the body increase, acidity
in the body decreases. This may lead to improvements in calcium and potassium
balance and to decreases in the bone, organ and tissue destruction associated
with aging."
These Life Extending Foods and Minerals are taken again on days 8 and 10 after the flare.