Cycle Interpretation
0-3 = Zero to 3 days before flare Flare Cycle is the Flare Period 1-4 = One to 4 days after flare 4-8 = Four to 8 days after flare Back to Homepage |
After Flare - Days 1-4 - Seasonal
Cycle: During the Late Morning Hours - Maximized during the June
Solstice -Good Bacteria Building Period - New Amino Acids Creation at
the sub cellular levels - South Facing Energy - Low Calorie Foods (Unburned
calories during this phase turn toxic) - Low or No Fiber - Alkaline Body PH -
More Fiber - Because all bacteria and energies in the given locale, are more
"easily absorbed" 1-4, you want more good bacteria, as well as lemon juice after
pole balancing on these days to fight off bad bacteria. - This is the magnesium building period. Calcium and
Magnesium Stabilization: -SOUTH POLE ENERGY - Very temporary only - intention - high
mountain passes - jesus on mount of olives - the perfect place to do immortality
exercises and funnel intention into the soil are at high elevation (long life
trees grow there) - earthquake fault lines, which cosmic rays are attracted to -
and put intention to remain youthful into these areas. More Vitamin B-12
Increase the nitric oxide in the body
How To Increase Nitric Oxide In Your Body
The most
common way to increase nitric oxide is through exercise. When you run or lift
weights, your muscles need more oxygen which is supplied by the blood. As the
heart pumps with more pressure to supply the muscles with blood, the lining in
your arteries releases N.O. into the blood, which relaxes and widens the vessel
wall, allowing for more blood to pass though. As we age, our blood vessels and
nitric oxide system become less efficient due to free radical damage,
inactivity, and poor diet, causing our veins and arteries to deteriorate.(5)
Think of a fire hose as water rushes through it to put out a fire - it needs to
expand enough to handle the pressure, still keeping enough force to put out the
fire. Athletes and youth have the most optimal nitric oxide systems, reflecting
their energy and resilience.
Another way to increase nitric oxide is through
diet, most notably by consuming the amino acids L-arginine and L-citrulline.
Arginine, which can be found in nuts, fruits, meats and dairy, directly creates
nitric oxide and citrulline inside the cell (diagram 1).(6) Citrulline is then
recycled back into arginine, making even more nitric oxide. Enzymes that convert
arginine to citrulline, and citrulline to arginine need to function optimally
for efficient nitric oxide production. We can protect those enzymes and nitric
oxide by consuming healthy foods and antioxidants, like fruit, garlic, soy,
vitamins C and E, Co-Q10, and alpha lipoic acid, allowing you to produce more
nitric oxide.(7)(8) Nitric oxide only lasts a few seconds in the body, so the
more antioxidant protection we provide, the more stable it will be and the
longer it will last. Doctors are utilizing this science by coating stents (mesh
tubes that prop open arteries after surgery) with drugs that produce nitric
Nitric Oxide For Athletes And Bodybuilders
Increasing nitric
oxide has become the new secret weapon for athletes and bodybuilders. Athletes
are now taking supplements with L-arginine and L-citrulline to increase the flow
of blood and oxygen to the skeletal muscle which can augment strength and
endurance. They also use them to facilitate the removal of exercise-induced
lactic acid build-up which reduces fatigue and recovery time.(9) Since arginine
levels become depleted during exercise, the entire Arginine-N.O.-Citrulline loop
can lose efficiency, causing less-than-ideal N.O. levels and higher lactate
levels. Supplements can help restore this loop allowing for better workouts and
faster recovery from workouts.
With nitric oxide deficiencies due to aging,
inactivity, smoking, high cholesterol, fatty diets, and lack of healthy foods,
increasing your nitric oxide levels can help increase your energy, vitality and
overall wellness. The basic adage of eating well and staying active all makes
sense now.
Good Bacteria; Fructooligosaccharides (FOS)
Found in Jeruslaem artichoke tuber, chicory root, leeks, onion, garlic, oats,
barley, rye
Magnesium Deficiency:
roasting nuts removes the highly nutritious oils which contain
Milling flour from grains strips magnesium from the
Sugar in anything uses up magnesium.
Fluoridated, softened, and
distilled water depletes magnesium.
Carbonated beverages and some processed
foods, like lunch meat, contain phosphates that bind to magnesium molecules and
flush it out of the body.
Alcohol blocks magnesium, especially if you have
three or more drinks a day.
Coffee works like a diuretic to flush magnesium
from of the body.
Some foods—like raw or roasted nuts and seeds, soybeans,
spinach, and chard—contain compounds called phytic acid and oxalic acid which
can cause magnesium to be eliminated from the body.
Studies conducted on rats show that insulin from
chicory seems very effective in promoting propionic fermentation and enhances
the calcium content of the large intestines. 24 A reduction in intestinal
absorption of glucose was observed in another report in rats administered
chicory extract. 25 Improved lipid metabolism was demonstrated in rats fed
insulin chicory extract, as well. This effect possibly was due to changes in
absorption or synthesis of cholesterol. 26 Chicory's insulin type fructans may
have potential to benefit many conditions or disease states including
constipation, infectious diarrhea
These results indicated that fructooligosaccharides
significantly increased calcium and magnesium absorption and that indigestible
and fermentable carbohydrate facilitates colorectal absorption of calcium and
This invention relates to the use of probiotic Lactobacilli
micro-organisms in the preparation of an enteral composition for facilitating or
increasing the absorption, by mammals, of minerals from the general
The increase in fermentable carbs increases good bacteria in the body, as good bacteria feed on these fermentable carbs
After building the magnesium / bacteria these days, the calcium
levels rise and are retained in the body days 4-8
BACTERIA IN THE BODY Lactones, celluloses, arabinogalactans (Echinacea is
highest), pectins, fructans, glucans
CranBerrys - Flush of Bad Bacteria In a
new study, the researchers tested the ability of cranberry extracts to inhibit
the binding of certain, disease-causing strains of E. coli to cells taken from
the lining of the urinary tract which would promote flushing of bacteria from
the bladder into the urine stream, resulting in the prevention or reduction of
This binding process is thought to be an early step in the
initiation of an infection. During the course of the 5-year study, the team
found that extracts containing compounds called "condensed tannins" or
"proanthocyanidins," which are found in cranberries and blueberries, could
inhibit the binding process. Recently researchers have found that substances,
yet-to-be identified in cranberries (and blueberries) help to block infectious
bacteria from clinging to cell walls lining the urinary tract and bladder thus
allowing them to be washed away.
During this period, less oxygen is
carried to the cells for good bacteria building ((remember the clue, jesus was
in his tomb for 3 days and did not need any calories for physical activity).
Lemon Juice in the morning after each pole balancing on these days and and beet
juice, Superoxide Dismutase, around noon time. This
is a time for White blood cell building. At flare cycles, the calcium to
magnesium level should change to 1:2, and there should be an above average
number of carbs. This provides the "food" for the good bacteria to come through
and "thrive"
Stomach Acid Proof Capsule Form of SOD:
SOD is found in barley grass, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage,
wheat grass, and most green plants.
High Nitrate Vegetables
and Foods High in Folate reduce oxygen levels - which increases stamina
Beetroot juice has the highest Nitrate values, followed by
spinach, radishes celery and lettuce.
Foods high in Folate
include: Lentils, Pinto Beans, Garbanzo Beans, Asparagus, Spinach, Black Beans,
Spoken word / intent is amplified when facing south during pole balancing.
Avoid EFA Oils - Sugar - Iron - Copper
- Vitamin K - Protein - Excess Copper
Good/Beneficial Bacteria for the body
Lactobacillus Bulgaricus & Bifidobacteria soaked in MEOW charged water +
Phenylalanine & Tyrosine 1:1
How to
Create Effective Microorganisms
Lactoferrin (Synergist - Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium)
Green Tea
Enzymes: DMG, L-Carnitine, Ferulic Acid,
Foods: Brewers
Yeast, Tomatoes, Cantaloupe, Lemon Juice, Watermelon (should be taken
separately), Peach,
Others: Medicinal mushrooms (reishi, cordyceps,
coriolus, Fomes fomentarius, shiitake, maitake, etc.) Mustard (brown and
stone-ground), ,
Fermented Foods that are Alkaline Should be
Kefir - Alkaline
Kombucha - Alkaline
are Tempeh & Kefir
2 Alkaline Fermented foods:
(193 calories - 111 mg calcium, 81 magnesium, 266 phos - carb to protein 9.39 to
Miso (199 calories - 57 mg calcium, 48
magnesium, 159 phos - carb to protein 26 to 11.7)
A slower slower thyroid is
linked to longevity
foods are: Rapini
Kohlrabi (27calories - 24 mg calcium, 19 magnesium, 46 phos
- carb to protein 6.2 to 1.7)
Turnips (28 calories - 30 mg calcium, 11
magnesium, 27 phos - carb to protein 6.43 to 0.9)
and brussels
sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower,
Because the good bacteria assists in digestion, if you’re gut
is alive with them, you’re body is more likely to absorb even more of the good
foods, for example, if you eat 100g of protein and you don’t have much good
bacteria in your gut, your body might digest and assimilate around 60% of that,
but if your gut is rich in good bacteria your body will be
able to digest and assimilate up to 90% of protein.
(47 calories - 44 mg calcium, 60 magnesium, 90 phos - carb to protein
10.5 to 3.27)
Pickles (11 calories - 0 mg calcium, 4 magnesium, 14
phos - carb to protein 2.26 to 0.33)
Umeboshi Plums - Alkaline
Additional Alkaline Fermented Foods:
Kefir and Yogurt have live beneficial bacteria but Kefir has more strains
foods will usually test very acid before eating but after processing by the
cells will have a residue that is only weakly acid or even alkaline. This is the
basis of the macro-biotic diet that promotes eating living foods of all kinds.
Live foods usually have an alkaline residue, while the same foods after sitting
for weeks in the vegetable bins of chain stores have a greater tendency to have
an acid residue. The important point is: the more alkaline (or less acid) a food
is, the more sensitive it is to aging. Therefore for maximum benefit it is best
to consume fresh alkaline foods
Olive Oil helps build good
Bacteria feed mostly on undigested carbohydrate, and 99% of them
survive best in the absence of oxygen (anaerobic bacteria).
On these days, these foods should have little or no calories,
yet higher in carbohydrates to keep the good bacteria buildup occurring - due to
bacteria building, during this time -
Acidic fruits with the 1:1 calcium to
magnesium levels - The ratio should be between 1:1 and 1:2. Days 1-4 -
Removing Calories From Food
Let's face it.
Food has calories! There's much debate whether certain kinds of calories are
better than others, but too many calories of any kind bring about weight gain!
Here is a technique that is supposed to remove calories from food!
When you
sit down to a meal, or a snack - look at what you are about to eat. Before you
eat, visualize that you are "moving" all of the calories contained in the food
to one small corner or section. You can do this by either mentally doing this,
or taking your fork or knife and "brushing" or "herding" the calories. (Although
this could be rather amusing in a restaurant, watching someone do this to their
Eat the remaining portion, but be sure to leave the section where you
"moved" all the calories.
Brewers Yeast Taken
Phenylalanine & Tyrosine 1:1
carbs & Higher Magnesium
Pinto Beans (347
calories - 113 mg calcium, 176 magnesium, 451 phos - carb to protein 63
to 21)
Lentils (353 calories - 56 mg calcium, 122 magnesium, 451
phos - carb to protein 60 to 26)
Bacterial Synergism: B6 (pyroxidine) + B7 (Biotin) + Vitamin H - Than an intake of Vitamin E
Calcium to Phosphorous Ratios are 2:1 (Jesus was in his tomb
for 4 days, if you read the research literature, it states that when the body is
exposed to less sun, the phosphorous ratios must be increased)
When you
spend more time in the Sun, the Calcium to Phosphorous Ratio should be
FLARE CYCLE COMPATIBLE Ratios of 2:1 phos to cal - Ranked by calories from highest
to lowest
Almonds (165 Calories - 264 calcium, 268 magnesium, 484 phos -
carb to protein ratio 28/27) - Alkaline
Endive: (17 calories - 52 mg calcium,
0.83 magnesium, 451 phos - carb to protein 3.35 to 1.25 - Alkaline
Ginger (80
calories - 16 mg calcium, 43 magnesium, 34 phos - carb to protein 17.8 to 1.82-
mang 0.229 - Alkaline
Apples (52 calories - 6 mg calcium, 5 magnesium, 11
phos - carb to protein 13.8 to 0.26) - Alkaline
Parsnips Peas (75 calories -
36 mg calcium, 29 magnesium, 71 phos - carb to protein 18 to 1.2)
Guava (68 calories - 18 mg calcium, 22 magnesium, 40 phos - carb to
protein 14.3 to 2.55) Moderate Alkaline
Apricots (48 calories - 13 mg
calcium, 10 magnesium, 23 phos - carb to protein 11.1 to 1.4) -
Blueberries (47 calories - 6 mg calcium, 6 magnesium, 12 phos - carb
to protein 14.5 to 0.74) - Acid
Artichokes (47 calories - 44 mg calcium, 60
magnesium, 90 phos - carb to protein 10.5 to 3.27) Slight
Cranberries (46 calories - 8 mg calcium, 6 magnesium, 13 phos - carb
to protein 12.2 to 0.39) - Acid
Plums (46 calories - 6 mg calcium, 7
magnesium, 16 phos - carb to protein 11.4 to 0.7) - Acid
Passion fruit juice
(51 calories - 4 mg calcium, 17 magnesium, 13 phos - carb to protein 13.6 to
0.39) - Alkaline Forming
Honeydew (36 calories - 6 mg calcium, 10 magnesium,
11 phos - carb to protein 9.09 to 0.54) Sugar 8.12 - Alkaline
Cantaloupe (34
calories - 9 mg calcium, 12 magnesium, 15 phos - carb to protein 8.16 to 0.84)
Sugar - 7.86 Alkaline
Watermelon (30 calories - 7 mg calcium, 10 magnesium,
11 phos - carb to protein 7.55 to 0.61) - Highly Alkaline
Cauliflower (25
calories - 22 mg calcium, 15 magnesium, 44 phos - carb to protein 5.3 to 1.98) -
Kohlrabi (27calories - 24 mg calcium, 19 magnesium, 46 phos - carb
to protein 6.2 to 1.7) - Alkaline
ARUGULA (rocket), (25 calories - 160 mg
calcium, 47 magnesium, 52 phos - carb to protein 3.65 to 2.58 Moderate
Asparagus (20 calories - 24 mg calcium, 14 magnesium, 52 phos - carb
to protein 3.88 to 2.2) Alkaline Forming
Romaine Lettuce (17 calories -
calcium 33, magnesium 14, phos 30 - carb to protein 3.29 to 1.23 ) -
Tomatoes (18 calories - 11 mg calcium, 11 magnesium, 24 phos - carb
to protein 3.92 to 0.88) - Alkaline
Pomegranate (68 calories - 3 mg calcium,
3 magnesium, 8 phos - carb to protein 17.2 to 0.95) Acid
Days 1-4 the calcium to magnesium to
phosphorous level should change to 1:2:2, with high carbs and more
magnesium to calcium 1:1 and 2:1 - LOW OR NO PROTEIN - sorted by
lowest to highest calories
Tomatoes (18 calories - 11 mg calcium, 11
magnesium, 24 phos - carb to protein 3.92 to 0.88) - Alkaline
Cantaloupe (34
calories - 9 mg calcium, 12 magnesium, 15 phos - carb to protein 8.16 to 0.84)
Sugar - 7.86 - Low Calories and High Carbs - Alkaline Forming
Honeydew (36
calories - 6 mg calcium, 10 magnesium, 11 phos - carb to protein 9.09 to 0.54)
Sugar 8.12 - Low Calories and High Carbs - Alkaline
Peach (39 calories - 6 mg
calcium, 9 magnesium, 20 phos - carb to protein 9.54 to 0.91) - Alkaline
Sauce made from hydrolyzed vegetable protein 40 calories - calcium 5, magnesium
6, phos 93 - carb to protein 7.73/2.43 - Acid
Cranberries (46 calories - 8 mg
calcium, 6 magnesium, 13 phos - carb to protein 12.2 to 0.39) - Acid
(46 calories - 6 mg calcium, 7 magnesium, 16 phos - carb to protein 11.4 to 0.7)
- Acid
Blueberries (47 calories - 6 mg calcium, 6 magnesium, 12 phos - carb
to protein 14.5 to 0.74) -Acid
Apricots (48 calories - 13 mg calcium, 10
magnesium, 23 phos - carb to protein 11.1 to 1.4) - Alkaline
Pineapple (50
calories - 13 mg calcium, 12 magnesium, 8 phos - carb to protein 13.1 to 0.54) -
- Alkaline Forming
Raspberries (52 calories - 25 mg calcium, 22 magnesium, 29
phos - carb to protein 11.9 to 1.2) - Alkaline
Apples (52 calories - 6 mg
calcium, 5 magnesium, 11 phos - carb to protein 13.8 to 0.26) Alkaline
(58 calories - 9 mg calcium, 7 magnesium, 11 phos - carb to protein 15.5 to
0.38) - - Alkaline Forming
Wheat grass Juice (59 calories - 6.86 mg calcium,
6.80 magnesium, 21 phos - carb to protein 5.67 to 5.52)- Alkaline
Mustard (67
calories - 58 mg calcium, 49 magnesium, 106 phos - carb to protein 5.33 to 4.37)
- Acid
Peas (81 calories - 25 mg calcium, 33 magnesium, 108 phos - carb to
protein 14.5 to 5.42 - mang 0.41 - Alkaline
Prunes (113 calories - 24 mg
calcium, 21 magnesium, 37 phos - carb to protein 30 to 1.23) - Acid
(165 Calories - 264 calcium, 268 magnesium, 484 phos - carb to protein ratio
28/27) - Alkaline
Roasted Chestnuts (245 Calories - calcium 29, magnesium 33,
phos 107 - carb to protein ratio 76/5) - Alkaline
Pomegranate (68 calories -
3 mg calcium, 3 magnesium, 8 phos - carb to protein 17.2 to 0.95) Acid
FLARE CYCLE COMPATIBLE Ratios between 1:1 and 2:1 MAG TO CAL - Ranked by calories
from lowest to highest
magnesium to calcium 1:1 and 2:1 - sorted by calories
from lowest to highest:
White Mushrooms (22 calories - 3 mg calcium, 10
magnesium, 86 phos - carb to protein 3.28 to 3.09) Alkaline
Honeydew (36
calories - 6 mg calcium, 10 magnesium, 11 phos - carb to protein 9.09 to 0.54)
Sugar 8.12 - Alkaline
Peach (39 calories - 6 mg calcium, 9 magnesium, 20 phos
- carb to protein 9.54 to 0.91) Alkaline
Lychee (60 calories - 5 mg calcium,
9 magnesium, 29 phos - carb to protein 20 to 0) Alkaline
Ginger (80 calories
- 16 mg calcium, 43 magnesium, 34 phos - carb to protein 17.8 to 1.82- mang
0.229 - Alkaline
Avocado (167 calories - 13 mg calcium, 29 magnesium, 54 phos
- carb to protein 8.64 to 1.96) - Acid
Coconut Milk (197calories - 18 mg
calcium, 46 magnesium, 96 phos - carb to protein 2.81 to 2.02) Mild
Sesame Seed Flour (333 calories - 149 mg calcium, 338 magnesium, 757
phos - carb to protein 36 to 50 - Arginine 7.44 - Acid
Lentils (353 calories
- 56 mg calcium, 122 magnesium, 451 phos - carb to protein 60 to 26) - Acid
Coconut Milk (197calories - 18 mg
calcium, 46 magnesium, 96 phos - carb to protein 2.81 to
Minerals: Magnesium, Vitamin B3, Chromium (available in
brewer's yeast), Vitamin C (less amounts), Vitamin D2, Brewers Yeast
Drink Green tea than a hot bath to help boost your immune